Open Source

We love open source and we contribute our code as open source whenever possible. Our team members are the driving force behind the development of Plone 6 and the new Volto frontend.

Plone Open Source Community

With 14 Plone core developers, eight Plone Foundation members, two release managers, two former members of the Plone Board of Directors, one former chair of the Plone Board of Directors, and numerous members of official Plone teams (including Framework, Security, Release, Marketing, AI, Testing/CI/CD), we are by far the most active company in the Plone open source community.

Plone Add-ons as Open Source

With the release and continuous maintenance of 22 open source extensions for Plone on NPM (JavaScript Package Index) and 26 on PyPi (Python Package Index), we have released more Plone extensions for current Plone versions as open source than any other company worldwide.

Our packages on PyPi have been downloaded more than 1.6 million times in the last three years.

Plone Core Development

Over the last three years, the 14 Plone core developers at kitconcept have successfully closed a total of 1363 pull requests (so-called “pull requests” are used to make improvements and bug fixes in the Plone core) and incorporated them into the Plone core. Only the three Plone core repositories Products.CMFPlone (, plone.restapi ( and Volto ( were taken into account.

Plone Improvements

With 63 PLIPs (important improvements and changes to the Plone core are technically reviewed and evaluated via the Plone Improvement Proposal process within the Plone community and are incorporated into the Plone core after successful approval by the framework team) within the last three years, kitconcept is by far the most active company within the Plone community.

Plone Sprints

The development of the Plone CMS is organized in so-called sprints, where developers from all over the world come together to work together on the further development of Plone. We have organized a total of 14 sprints. 7 of these were declared as strategic sprints by the Plone Foundation.

Plone Conferences

The annual Plone Conferences are gathering the global Plone community. We have organized two conferences (Brasília, 2024 and Barcelona, 2017) and participated in eighteen Plone conferences as speakers.